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Highlights of Israel

Highlights of Israel


The existence of Israel dates thousands of years back and many stories come from the Hebrew Bible and Abraham, considered father of Judaism and Islam. Ancestors of Abraham are believed to have been held hostage in Egypt for centuries before settling in Cannan, now it is located where some of Israel and Palestinian contested regions are today.

In the 20th century, Britain backed the Jewish state then conceded as Palestine. In 1947 United Nations gave approval for the partition of Palestine, subsequently, in 1948 Israel achieved Independence under the tenure of Jewish Agency, David Ben – Gurion.

Over the years there has been a string of conflicts in their respective territories for power. Now also parts of Israel and Palestinian territories are disputed to gain power in certain regions. Israel has a cordial relationship with Jordan and Egypt owing to a peace agreement but not with all Middle Eastern neighbors so crossing the border can be a complicated task.


Sharing the boundaries with countries like Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria the lifestyle of the people differs vastly, from the fast-paced life of Tel- Aviv to very simple village life, there is a huge difference in the behavior and customs of the people.

With an array of varied landscapes Israel is blessed with an amazing amount of distinct landscapes to attract the travelers, be it cliffs on the Mediterranean beach, scorched desert in the north, mountains in the south, and fertile valleys in the center.

Culture and Traditions

Israel and Palestinian regions are a convergence of cultures and civilizations contributing to many annual events and important dates in the religious calendar. Jerusalem also recognized as Holy Land is regarded as a historical and religious center of the Western world with the followers of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.

Like the rest of the countries in the world, there are acts showcased in the streets or public areas showing devotion or paying homage to the festivals of religious significance. So, it is important to consider the dates of festivals when planning your holiday as it may disrupt your plans.


Shabbat is mainly identified with Jewish populations, it is a weekly day of rest, lasting from 20-30 minutes prior sundown on Friday to an hour after Sundown on Saturday night.


It is the holiest month in the Islamic calendar, for this month, Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset and avoid eating during daylight hours.

Health and Safety

Lumle ensures every measure is taken to make sure our traveler’s holiday is safe and there is no compromise on the health of the travelers while on the tour. At the same time, the tours are fun and enjoyable so that our travelers can go back to their country with wonderful memories. We recommend that all travelers check with their government or national travel advisory organization for the latest information before departure. People leaving the UK can refer to the below link for the latest information before they depart.

Popular Places in Israel

Masada and the Dead Sea

Embark on the cable car and explore the ancient palace and hilltop Masada....

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Tel Aviv

This city will give you the flavor of both traditional and modern Israel....

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The port city of Israel extending from the Mediterranean up the north slope…...

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