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Lhasa Mt Everest & Mt Kailash Tour

Lhasa Mt Everest & Mt Kailash Tour


17 days from $7920 pp return flights

Do not just dream; relish the real ecstasy of life in a regale tour to the most enchanted place on the earth.

At a Glance

  • Enjoy trip of lifetime
  • Explore Tibetan culture
  • Explore famous monasteries
  • Enjoy amazing landscape
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Om Namah Shivaya!

Lumle Holidays Ltd, the Kailash expert travel company extends heartfelt congratulations to all our Mount Kailash Mansarovar pilgrims for a successful completion of the yatra of lifetime; Mount Kailash Mansarovar yatra. We also extends our sincere gratitude’s to Mount Kailash Mansarovar yatris for choosing Lumle Holidays for their Mount Kailash Mansarovar yatra every year. It is a great privilege of Lumle Holidays Ltd.’s team to guide through all of you to a divine journey of Mount Kailash Mansarovar.

Mount Kailash Mansarovar Yatra

According to Hindu mythology, Mount Kailash is observed as Lord Shiva’s habitat. It is believed that, Lord Shiva resides and mediates with his wife Parvati on the top of Mount Kailash. Thus, Mount Kailash Mountain and known to many others as Kailash Parvat is believed to be a sacred sight, ultimate pilgrimage destination and world’s famous spiritual center. Therefore, every year, thousands of Kailash pilgrims go on for Kailash yatra.

Mount Kailash Yatra, a sacred site always comes across with the holiest Lake Mansarovar. Lake Mansarovar is the abode of purity. It is believed that, taking a bath in Mansarovar Lake and drinking it’s water, ones’ all committed sins will be washed away for lifetimes. Infact, trip to Kailash Mansarovar is a yatra of lifetime and those who went for Kailash yatra and visited these holy places viz Mount Kailash Mansarovar recall their memory of a lifetime. Infact, these yatris have been seen cheerful, happy and relieved after the completion of Kailash Mansarovar yatra. Kailash pilgrims concludes their Kailash yatra for some Kailash pilgrimage with 32 kilometres parikrama of Kailash Parvat. The Kailash yatra parikrama starts from Tarboche to Dirapuk, Zutulpuk and end ends at the same place. The parikrama is considered as an essential and part of pilgrimage to Mount Kailash Mansarovar yatra.

Mount Kailash Mansarovar Yatra Facts

01. Mount Kailash Height: 21,778 ft
02. Location: Western Tibet, China
03. Climate: 0 to 70 Degrees Fahrenheit
04. Parikrama of Mount Kailash: 32 miles (over three days)
05. High point of Kailash Parikrama: 19,500 feet
06. Mansarovar Lake Height: 14,954 feet
07. Parikrama of Mansarovar Lake: 63 miles (by bus)
08. Mount Kailash Season: best season to visit the place is from May to November
09. Mount Kailash: Not a single human has ever attempted to scale the Mount Kailash
10. Religions to which Mount Kailash is of importance: Bon, Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism

Do not just dream; relish the real ecstasy of life in a regale tour to the most enchanted place on the earth. It has been proclaimed by thousands of pilgrims that, Kailash is not just the mountain’s ice – capped summit but the entire region is the abode of the Gods.

Mount Kailash Mansarovar yatra, the pilgrimage of lifetime Mount Kailash Mansarovar is renowned worldwide from Shiva’s devotees to those people who love adventures. Infact, it is truth to say that, God is ubiquitous however in the meantime, it is additionally said that, in some place the heavenly is significantly more present. Mount Kailash worshiped Shiva Lingan formed mountain has been mindful otherworldly and sacrosanct site for Shiva’s aficionados.

The short itinerary

Day 4 : LHASA
Day 5 : LHASA

Tour Ends

Today you will board a flight to Lhasa. Overnight on board.
Upon arrival at airport. Our vehicle will pick you and transfer to the hotel. Overnight in Chengdu.

Today you will arrive in Tibet’s capital, the holiest city Lhasa. Our representative will meet and greet you at the airport and transfer to the hotel. Once you arrive, our local Tibetan tour guide and driver will greet you at Lhasa Airport to transfer you to the hotel. From the airport to downtown Lhasa, it takes about 1-2 hours, but it will provide stunning views of the Yarlung Tsangpo River and its backdrop of snowcapped mountains. After being transferred to the hotel, you will be free to wander around the city on your own for the rest of the day but try not to overtax yourself. The first day's well-rest is crucial to acclimatize to the high altitude. Remember to drink lots of water, eat light, and not take a shower if you can help it.

Overnight in Lhasa.
Day 4 : LHASA

After breakfast at the hotel, we will pick you up to take you for a Lhasa tour. Visit Jokhang temple. The Jokhang Temple is the holiest in Tibet, housing the life-size image of Buddha Jowa Sakyamuni. The outstanding architectural style and devoted pilgrimage are the best highlights of this 1300-year-old monastery. You will also visit Barkhor Street. Barkhor Street (sometimes spelled Bakhor Street) is the most famous walking street in Lhasa. It is in the heart of the Old Town – the oldest part of the capital. Barkhor Street is the kora route around the 7th-century Jokhang temple; therefore, you should walk there in a clockwise direction. Later, visit Sera monastery, one of Tibet’s great three Gelukpa University monasteries, where you can observe the lively monk debates that take place throughout the day.

Overnight in Lhasa.
Day 5 : LHASA

After breakfast at the hotel, we will pick you up to take you to visit Potala Palace, one of Tibet’s most iconic landmarks and once home to the Dalai Lama. It was built by the 33rd great king of Tibet - Songtsen Gangpo in the 7th Century. The most valuable collections of Potala Palace are the gilded burial stupas of former Dalai Lamas and the meditation Cave of the 33rd great king of Tibet. Later, you will visit Norbulingka, which is a typical Tibetan-style royal garden, the summer resort of the Dalai Lama.

Overnight in Lhasa.

Today you will start your scenic road trip, coming to one of Tibet’s most incredible landscapes - Yamdrok Lake (at an altitude of 4,441m) and its surrounding snowcapped mountains. We will pass by Kampala Pass (4,790m) on the way from Lhasa to Shigatse and visit Yamdrok Lake, one of the three holy lakes in Tibet. Standing at the lakeside, you can see its blue water shimmering with charming light, as well as the snow-capped holy Mount Nyenchen Khangsar (7,191m) in the distance. The lake is one of Tibet’s three holy lakes, and it’s believed to be the essence of the country. Next, we will pass and enjoy the Karola Glacier (5,400m) on the roadside. It is about 300m from the main highway on your way to Gyantse. Then visit the main monastery in Gyantse - Pelkor Chode Monastery, famous for its exquisite architecture and intact murals and statues. Afterward, drive to Shigatse (3,900m).

Overnight in Shigatse.

Today you’ll be heading to the base of the world’s highest mountain- Mount Everest! In the morning, you will leave Shigatse to Lhatse, a small town located 150 km from Shigatse, and you may have lunch in the local restaurant. After a short rest, you will go ahead to Tingri. You will pass through the first high mountain pass - Tsola Pass (4,600m), then the second one-Gyatsola Pass(5,248m), the mountain pass of Mt. Everest National Nature Reserve, with countless prayer flags flying in the wind. Afterward, you will keep ascending to Gawula Pass (5,198m), where you can enjoy the panorama of the Himalayas. Then you will drive along the zigzag road to the Everest Base Camp (5,200m).

Arriving at Rongphu in the late afternoon, you'll walk up the little hill near Rongphu Monastery (the world’s highest temple) for an amazing sunset view (weather permitting), located only 25 miles from the majestic mountain’s peak Everest Base Camp. Remaining time at your leisure which you may choose to rest or hike around, in the company of your Tibetan guide, take photo opportunity to capture Mt. Everest, enjoy the stunning views, and spend the night amongst the monumental mountains. If it’s summertime (usually May-Oct), you will stay overnight at the nomad tents of the Everest Base Camp; if wintertime (usually Nov-Apr), you will stay at Rongbuk Monastery’s guesthouse. Both places have but only dorm bed lodging available. From both places, you can see the glorious Everest sunset if the weather is good.

Overnight in Rongbuk.

You can get up early and enjoy the sunrise of Everest Peak at Everest Base Camp if the weather is good. After that, drive to Saga, on the way, you can view the world’s 14th-highest peak Mt.Shishapangma (8,012m). Later, you will reach Lake Peikutso (4,590m) and have a rest there. Then continue to Saga (4,600m), If you are lucky enough, you are very likely to see wild animals like the wild donkey, wild antelope, etc.

Overnight in Saga.

Today, you will spend a lot of time on the way, but it’s worth seeing the landscape along the way. You’ll have stunning views of the great Himalayas to the south and Trans-Himalayan to the north as we drive across the vast plains. This region is home to nomads, you’ll see the beautiful grassland and local villages. As we cross the Mayomla Pass (5112m), you can enjoy the spectacular vista of Mt. Naimonanyi (7694m).

During this thrilling journey, you’ll pass by dunes, mountains, and sandstone valleys before we reach the Darchen(4560m), a small nomadic village and an important launch point for pilgrimages around Mt. Kailash. Upon your arrival, you can explore the Darchen town on your own. If you need porters and yaks, your tour guide will arrange it for you this afternoon.

Overnight in Darchen.

In the morning, you will take an eco-bus (included in the cost) to Sarshung Valley and start trekking from there. Then you will meet your porters and yaks at Sarshung Valley (the cost of hiring yaks, horses, and porters is not included in the package). You’ll trek about 15 km from Sarshung Valley to Drirapuk Monastery along the Lachu River Valleys. During your trekking today, you can see both the west and north face of Mt.Kailash. Finally, you will visit Drirapuk Monastery and stay overnight here.

Overnight in Dirapuk.

Today is the most challenging day of the trekking, you’ll climb over the highest pass of the Kora, the Dromala pass (5630m). After a short rest at the top, we will climb down into the long valley and stop for lunch at the Shabjay Dakpo nomadic tent. On the way, you can have a rest in a teahouse. Then you will continue to the Zultulpuk, built by two important religious figures, Milarepa and Naro Bonchung. At last, you will visit Zutulpuk Monastery. You will find the footprint and handprint of Milarepa inside the cave. 

Overnight in Zutulpuk.

It's an easy day of the trek. You'll trek 14km to complete the Kora then take the bus back to Darchen. According to Buddhist theory, doing a kora around a holy mountain for one circle can get rid of sins and miseries for the whole life. Only after going through lots of hardships, you can feel the happiness and gratification brought by Kora. Then you take the shuttle bus back to Darchen, about 3km. We will hit the road again and drive to our next destination, Zhada. Following the zigzag road with eroded gorges and gullies, we slowly enter the wider Sutlej Valley. After crossing a small bridge, we finally reach Zhada. 

Overnight in Zhada.

You can visit the ruins of the mysterious ancient Guge Kingdom and Tholing Monastery, which are centered in the present Zhada County. We will drive you to Mansarovar (4560m), the top holy lake in Tibet. It’s 40km to the southwest of Darchen. If the weather is good, you can see the splendid scenery of the lake Manasarovar. If you feel good, you can do a trek along the shore of the lake for a while.

Overnight in Manasarovar.
Today we’ll drive from Manasarovar to Saga. Overnight in Saga.

You will get back to Shigatse via Sakya County. There is a famous Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Sakya County - Sakya Monastery, the main monastery of Sakyapa. It was built in the 1360s. The walls around this monastery were mainly gray, but the top part of the walls was painted in red and white stripes. That’s why Sakyapa is also called Variegated Buddhism.

There are many cultural relics such as seals, Buddha statues, a large collection of books, exquisite murals, etc. The murals of the Yuan Dynasty are the most distinctive, which makes Sakya Monastery known as the "second Dunhuang".

Overnight in Shigatse.

Today, we will drive back to Lhasa from Shigatse along the Friendship Highway, the northern route. On the way, you’ll see the Yarlung Tsangpo valley. In Nyemo, you’ll have a chance to visit the Tibetan Incense Workshop. Nyemo County has a history of more than 1,000 years. Except for sacrificial ceremonies, this fragrant incense also can be used to prevent infectious diseases like flu and influenza, for its ingredients contain herbal medicines such as saffron, Sandalwood, Chinese Usnea, and borneol.

Overnight in Lhasa.

Your tour ends today. You will be transferred to the Lhasa airport for your next destination.

Tour Ends

What's included

  • Return flight from NEW YORK
  • Transport, tourist vehicle
  • Accommodation as per the itinerary at the tourist standard hotels/guesthouse/lodge with breakfast
  • Guide a Tibetan who speaks English with great knowledge of Buddhism, Tibetan culture
  • All required Tibet permits
  • All the entrance fees to the monasteries, palaces and sightseeing listed in the itinerary including the Everest base Camp region fee for the transport and guide
  • An oxygen tank in the vehicle outside of Lhasa in case required

What's not included

  • Chinese visa
  • City tax not included, payable on the spot
  • Porterage and gratuities
  • Expenses of personal nature like tipping, laundry, telephone/fax calls, alcoholic/non- alcoholic beverages, camera/video camera fee at monuments, medical expenses or items not stated explicitly in the programme
  • Travel Insurance or any loss or extra cost arising due to unforeseen circumstances such as flight delays, accidents, etc.
  • Any visit not mentioned in the programme
  • Optional tours and activities
Start Date End Date Price Note AVAILABILITY Booking
Mon, 7 Oct, 24 Wed, 23 Oct, 24 $8184 GUARANTEED Book Now
Mon, 14 Oct, 24 Wed, 30 Oct, 24 $8184 GUARANTEED Book Now
If you wish to travel on any other date than dates above or have any other queries please call our office at 1-888-214-4856 or email to sales@lumle.com

A private departures on any day all around the year can be arranged for this trek/tour, for more details and dates E-mail sales@lumle.com


OPENED: This date is available and open for bookings.
LIMITED: There are very limited number of available places on this departure. Immediate booking.
GUARANTEED: We have reached minimum numbers and this trip is guaranteed to depart.
CLOSED: This date is currently unavailable. Please contact us, if you are interested in travelling on this date.

Your Program Duration = 17 Days
All the Prices are in USD ($) Per Person.

Please note

  • Please note that you have to apply for Tibet permit before departure. Certain occupations such as journalists and diplomatic officers, are not allowed to apply for Tibet permit according to local policy.
  • No refund for unused services. Splitting of the package is not allowed.
  • Please note that local conditions prevalent at the time of travel may result in modifications to the contents of the tour without prior notice, including possible change of hotels and/or itinerary.
  • Early check-in, late check-out, connecting or adjoining rooms in the hotel are subject to availability and not guaranteed.
  • In many hotels in China, the triple rooms are a double room with an additional bed or sofa bed. Their comfort conditions are lower than the international standards of the triple room.

What do I need to bring?

Comfortable and light clothing is best suited to travel in the warm months and warm clothing in the colder months in China. Visitors should not wear sleeveless shirts, shorts, short skirts or sparse clothing when visiting temples, religious or official buildings. Sun protection, sunglasses and a hat can be very useful during your stay. 

11 Reviews to “Lhasa Mt Everest & Mt Kailash Tour”

  1. Rating: 4 / 5
    Chetan B Mon, 25 Jan, 16

    Mount kailash and Manasarovar trip 2013

    We had an amazing time on a trip of a lifetime to Kailash and Manasarovar, with Lumle holidays. There was 5 of us in our group aged 18, 21, 33, 33, and 34 and the total group size was 28. We were all nervous and anxious about the trip as we didn’t know what to expect. We had done some research and spoke to a few people who had been previously, and found out as much information as we could, but as this is an unusual trip is was difficult to predict what to expect and therefore we were prepared as best we could. We all wanted to reach Kailash and complete the trip in good health and avoid any issues or problems. Narayan, of Lumle holidays, and his team lead us well throughout the trip and we had briefing meetings every evening to ensure we were always prepared for the days ahead. Even before the trip, Narayan was available to answer any questions we had to ensure we were fully prepared. The accommodation was as good as you can expect in remote areas of Tibet, where there is very limited resources available. The accommodation was very basic, but the rooms and beds were very clean and well presented. We were lucky to have small rooms and only shared rooms with 4-5 other people. The food was prepared fresh everyday and it was amazing. The cooks catered to our needs and made us pasta, noodles and chips, which really made our day, when we were cold and tired. The sherpas, cooks and the rest of the team were very helpful and extremely hard working. They were always present to ask questions. Narayan was open to suggestions, in order to make the trip successful and trying to cater for everyone’s need, which is obviously, difficult in a large group. Travelling through Tibet is not easy, but the team did their best to ensure that everything went smoothly as possible. The group of 28 people all got on well and made friends. It was a well mixed group ranging from 12 years old to over 65 years old. By the end of the trips, we were like a big family, going through the good and bad times during the trip and supporting each other during the hard times. We had a lot of fun. It is tough trip, with long travelling days and early morning starts but it was worth it.
    The views were absolutely amazing and stunning, making it an experience of a lifetime which makes up for the lack of facilities and remoteness. It was so peaceful and quite. We would definitely recommend Lumle travels for this trip and we hope we can do this again in the future. Thank you to Narayan and his team for looking after us and making this the best trip and best experience ever. Hariom

    Visited August 2013

  2. Rating: 5 / 5
    NAVEEN C Mon, 25 Jan, 16

    Kailash Manasarovar

    Like many, I was anxious about the trip, the uncertainties ,etc. etc…however, Narayan and his friendly team allayed our anxiety by their homely, friendly approach. Narayan was pragmatic. He changed the plan at times heeding to majority’s ideas. His brother in law at Kathmandu was a lovely person who took care of us excellently. The drivers and Sherpa’s were very skilled and guided us throughout the journey and brought back us safely. The whole unit jelled as an unit no later than few days after the start of the journey. Throughout the journey, Narayan and his team had a caring approach towards everyone. I felt that I made this trip successfully not only due to Gods grace but also due to the LUMELY TRAVELS

    Visited August 2013

  3. Rating: 4 / 5
    Prabu S Mon, 25 Jan, 16

    Very Good Kailash Trip

    It was a very good trip and we as family really enjoyed the trip. It was to our expectation but there is more room for improvement. Narayan and team really did their best and we thank them all to make it a successful. I would recommend to anyone and planning to go again with GOD’s blessing.

    We enjoyed the company of each and everyone travelled in this trip and wish travel with this group again. It is the best group we have travelled and it was one big family.

    Visited August 2013

  4. Rating: 5 / 5
    Siva-sivarajan Mon, 25 Jan, 16

    Mount kailash and Manasarovar trip 2013

    We were very anxious and had some sort of fear when we started our trip from London. We were received well with garlands at Kathmandu airport by Lumle travels staff. Accommodation and food was good through out the journey. We had 8 Sherpa’s for 28 people and they helped everyone through out. Our fear and anxiety were gone when all of us joined to gather as a team. Unlike other holidays and pilgrimage, this trip was completely packed with lot of uncertainties. Problems with Weather, food, accommodation, road condition, language, low oxygen at high altitude, people getting ill etc were dealt very well by lumle travel staff including Sherpa’s. Their help during the Parikramma is incomparable when compared to the service provided by the other travel groups travelled at the same time. Our nephew who is 12 years old is also accompanied with us and he also managed well. This is one of the life time holiday for us. Our memories about this trip are ever green in our minds. Many thanks to Lumle travels for providing good service and helping everyone to complete the trip successfully.

    Visited July 2013

  5. Rating: 5 / 5
    Rosy B Mon, 25 Jan, 16

    Kailash Mountain and Manasarovar

    Dear Narayan the trip to Kailash Mountain and Manasarovar was a fantastic journey. I was anxious as I was going to take this spiritual journey alone. However as we joined you and your team and the rest of the group it was like a family. All arrangements for the trip were well organised. You did your best for the group in terms of the travel, accommodation and eating arrangements. I had an amazing time and I would not hesitate to use your services again and will be recommending you again. Thank you Narayan.

    Visited August 2013

  6. Rating: 5 / 5
    Karan N Mon, 25 Jan, 16

    Mount Kailash August 2013

    The trip was very well organised, and we all had a great time. The team was very flexible and would cater to everyone’s needs which made the trip very enjoyable (which could have otherwise been quite a difficult trip). The food was great, and the accommodation in Tibet was as good as it gets there. They had given us plenty of information about the requirements and necessities for this trip so everyone was well prepared. They also made sure that everyone became familiar with each other on the tour, and thanks to them I got to know a lot of nice people! Tibet is a beautiful country, and the nature itself will touch you. It was an awesome trip!

    Visited August 2013

  7. Rating: 5 / 5
    farcelt Mon, 25 Jan, 16

    Mount Kailash 2013

    Narayan & his team at Lumle Holidays made my Kailash Manasarovar trip a pleasure to be part of. From the greeting at Kathmandu airport to my final departure they provided just the right level of service, attentive without being overpowering and also available if anyone needed help or advice. This, coupled with joining up with a group of people who were welcoming & friendly made it a holiday to remember. Despite the fact that travelling in Tibet is not always straightforward everyone in the group pulled together, helping & encouraging each other which, together with the outstanding team of guides, Sherpa’s & drivers made for an exciting & memorable trip. Thank you Narayan & please pass my thanks once again to your team, I can highly recommend Lumle Holidays to anyone thinking of taking a trip to the region.

    Visited August 2013

  8. Rating: 5 / 5
    Helen_Premji Mon, 25 Jan, 16

    Kailash Trip 2013

    Hi Narayan – what can we say, We had a wonderful holiday in Nepal, our wishes all come to gather when planned to visit Mount Kailash and Manasarovar trip with Lumle Holidays. The facilities on the tour were very good and we were given excellent
    advice in preparation for the trip. Everything was extremely well organised and we were delighted with every aspect, from the excellent guides to the well planned itinerary. The scenery was stunning and the whole experience added up to a trip of a
    lifetime. I’d thoroughly recommend Lumle if you are planning a trip to the region. Helen and Ashok Premji

    Visited July 2013

  9. Rating: 5 / 5
    Bindya_Patel Mon, 25 Jan, 16

    Mount Kailash (Tibet)-brilliant!

    A huge thank you to Lumle Holidays Limited, especially Narayan, for making my dream come true. His advice and guidance was excellent. This was my first time as a single traveller and am very grateful to him for arranging the trip. I was quite anxious initially but he ensured that l was paired with person(s) of similar background and interest.

    The staff were dedicated and looked after us very well; everything went according to plan, thanks to our Tibetan guide (Dorjee) and the Nepali tour operator. The transport, food, allowance for acclimatization, and hotel accommodation in Kathmandu was exceptional. My personal porter (Jansu) during the parikrama was amazing and so helpful. Apart from the problem of sanitation in Tibet, the country is breath-taking and well worth the visit. Once again,

    l would like to thank Lumle Holidays and Narayan for making this one of the most memorable and cherished trips of my life and would definitely recommend them to anyone planning this yatra.

    Visited May 2012

  10. Rating: 5 / 5
    ashok N Mon, 25 Jan, 16

    Pilgrimage to Mount Kailash and trek to Everest Base Camp

    I booked my pilgrimage to Manasarowar, Mt Kailash and a holiday up to Base Camp with Lumle Holidays because 1) they were cost effective. 2) I had to return to the UK by the 25/6/12. Our group of pilgrims completed the Yatra a day before schedule. Credit to the driver and excellent roads in Tibet. The cost of the extra night’s accommodation in our 4* hotel was borne by Lumle. The trek up to Everest Base Camp could not be completed as a protester had planted a Tibetan flag, and the route was closed for two days. As monies could not be refunded, an alternative itinerary was organised by Lumle which included a morning flight over Everest, sight-seeing in Kathmandu and a return trip to Lumbini, the birth place of Lord Buddha. This was organised within a few hours. Also all hotel bills were met and the re-booking of my return flight was completed free of charge by a Lumle representative in Kathmandu. This was an excellent alternative, as I appreciate admire and respect Buddhism I will look forward to completing my trek to Base Camp with Lumle Holiday’s in October 2013.

    Visited April 2012

  11. Rating: 5 / 5
    Siva Prasad Sat, 30 Jan, 16

    Kailash Manasarovar 2013 trip

    The Kailash Manasarovar 2013 trip organised by the Lumle team was perfect from start to finish. Being one of the most difficult pilgrimages in the world, attention to the minute details was critical. Narayan and his team did a wonderful job at it. We had plenty of instructions before the start of the trip and during the trip itself, so that we could be physically and mentally prepared for it. Actually, the trip turned out to be much less strenuous than what we had anticipated. Full credit for it goes to the excellent facilities provided and the very helpful and courteous support staff. Eleven support staff for 28 members is a very good ratio.

    Accommodation along the way were the best available. We had been informed prior to the start of the trip that some stops in Tibet had only basic accommodation. Actually, they all exceeded our expectations and we were pleasantly surprised to see very clean rooms and bedding everywhere. The 4-star hotels in Kathmandu and Saga were as good as any in the Western world, and probably as expensive as well. The rapid rate of improvements in roads and hotels along the way may mean that in future this trip will have such hotels at all stops.

    As usual in tours of this kind, the whole party of members and staff became like a big family. I am sure that many of them will maintain the links and communication well into the future. We would be excited if any of the members, who were all London-based, or the Kathmandu and Tibet based staff would visit us in the Land Down Under. “We will slip an extra shrimp on the barbie for you!”

    Thank you again and congratulations to Narayan and the Lumle team for a well organised trip of a lifetime. We highly recommend Lumle for this and other tours they operate. And, I wish Suraj Sharma success in joining a Masters program in Australia.

    Kind Regards

    Visited in 2013

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